Wednesday 5 December 2012

A Healed Person at Last!

I felt that I had to post this great news.

A member of the Itsan forum and fellow blogger Rochelle has healed completely after 16 months off steroids.

Many congratulations Rochelle. I know it was hard for you but you did it and now your skin is all better!

When I first came off steroids, I did not know any people who were completely healed, but now I do. There are also now over 4000 people whom Dr Rapaport has treated who are now reported to be cured too.

Here's hoping I will be next!


Unknown said...

How are u ^^? Thanks for your response, there is still a question for me:
What kinds of brands of the Borage oil do you take?
Could you recommend? And how about the price? Because my friend will visit me from Europe during the vacation? I am thinking whether she could help me buy that.

Louise said...

Its the capsules from Superdrug. 1000mg. You take one a day.

Louise said...

I think they cost about £4 for 30 capsules.