Monday 7 May 2012

Day 169 Looking in the Mirror

Still flaring. Yuk. Not the greatest Bank Holiday Weekend then. The weather has been a washout and my skin has been raging. Bad combination.

I am thinking of destroying all the mirrors in my house.

You know how you have this mental image of what you look like, but then you happen to pass a mirror and are shocked to find that you have more grey hairs than you originally thought, or maybe your face is a bit wrinklier, or your body a bit chubbier than you remember?

Well, imagine what it is like with a skin condition!

I have this picture in my head of what I look like, unrealistically based on what I looked like when I was about 17 (hehe!). Unfortunately, when I glance in the mirror, the true horror of TSW hits me like a 500lb weight. Blotchy skin, flaky patches and bloodshot eyes make me want to reel away in disgust.

I think I'm going to find a picture of someone glamorous and stick it over the mirror, at least until I have healed.....

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