Thursday 8 December 2011

Day 18 End of First Flare

My skin has definitely calmed down and I am nearing the end of my first flare since quittting steroids. Last night I managed to sleep in my own bed rather than the setee and my skin was a lot calmer, with less oozing. I know the period between this calm time and the next flare may be brief, so I intend to enjoy it and make the most of it.

This calm time gives me an idea of the potential state that my skin could be in. I see the nurse tomorrow and I will have to tell her that I have come off the steroid creams. I don't know how she is going to react but I am determined to hold my ground. If I give in to the steroid creams I am going back to square 1 and I have no intention of undoing almost 3 weeks work.

Short post, but life is too short to spend tied to a computer...I will save that for my bad skin days!

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