Tuesday 10 January 2012

Day 51 Neck Tightness

The oozing skin on my neck is relentless, so I had to sleep with a towel round my neck last night. When I woke up, the skin was not so dry and flaky on my neck, and was very smooth, new skin, but it was extremely tight and I can't move my head left and right at all.

I am trying to use as little product on my skin as possible. Sometimes I will dab a little moisturiser on my face or on areas of my neck so that I have more mobility, but in general I am of the opinion that the moisturiser creams can irritate the skin at what are still the very early stages of withdrawal and I don't want to set my improvement back by irritating the skin in any way. The areas such as my thighs and stomach, where I have not used any products at all, are healing faster than my neck and chest areas, and the skin is softer than it has ever been and normal to look at. I just need to get the rest of me to follow!

I slept a lot better last night, but I still woke up at 3:00 a.m. out of habit. I also find that it is a good time to check up on the google group . I was really pleased to see that there are quite a few new people joining the group at various stages on the steroid journey. It is great to read about people's experiences with the steroid rebound, because we are starting to get a clearer picture of common symptoms (red arms white palms!) and an idea of what treatments work the best, such as baths, creams or supplements. It is a great place to share thoughts with like minded people in the face of such apathy and ignorance from the general medical profession. I am so glad that the group is growing every day and sincerely hope that it continues to grow and that more people can free themselves from topical steroid addiction.

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