Friday 25 October 2013

Day 5 of Bad Flare..Finally Dying Down....

My skin started to improve a lot yesterday. The redness and burning stopped, I was sleeping better, the crusting and oozing had stopped and the skin was starting to go flaky, which is a positive sign indicating the end of a flare.

This is me today:

The skin has gone back to normal colour and all that is left is some flakiness, which is the top layer of skin sloughing itself off after the flare.

I hope that the blog readers have found the last few posts useful as a documentation of what happens during a flare from start to end. Thank you to all the readers who left kind messages of comfort during my flare. I wish speedy healing to you all.

Last October, my big flare lasted one month. This one has lasted 5 days, which proves to me that the TSW effects are getting less powerful over time and my body is fighting back. I really hope that I will be done with TSW in Summer 2014.

Also, a big thumbs up to the fantastic itsan forum, which has been a source of help and comfort to so many people suffering with TSW. We just admitted out 500th member a few days ago, so the word about TSW is gaining momentum. This blog alone is nearly at the quarter-million view mark and I am grateful that I have been able to join the army of bloggers bringing publicity to this condition.

Onward and upward, people!


Unknown said...

Wow, what a quick turnaround! It looks so much better! I'm thrilled for you that this one seems short-lived. Almost there!

Louise said...

Thanks Mandy!

Good job too! If I'd have had a really long flare this far in, I would have gone crazy.

I hope it's a sign I am almost at the finish line. X

CurlyTop said...

Hi Louise, how did you get diagnosed with TSA? Thanks

Louise said...

Hi curly top.

If you go back to the very beginning of my blog, you can read my background under the "my story" post, which explains how I found Kelly palace and her addicted skin website and learned about TSA.

Anonymous said...

I hope it keeps moving upwards for you!!