Thursday 13 December 2012

Progress is Slow....(photos)

First of all, if anyone hasn't seen Rochelle's vlog, watch it NOW. She is where we all want to be.

I'm feeling a little downhearted today at the state of my cold-ravaged skin. The twice-daily school run exposes me to harsh temperatures and my face is covered with little cuts and scratches.
I just took this photo. Actually, my face doesn't seem to look too bad from the front, just a bit pink....

...but take a side-on view and you can see where my fingernails have been busy during the night, ripping chunks out of my cheek! Still, to get it in perspective, you can start to see the white skin showing through underneath and if i stop scratching for long enough, I think my face has to potential to heal quite well.

My mother in law visited yesterday. I was showing her Rochelles vlog and how I hoped to get to the same stage soon. She commented that I seemed to be a lot more comfortable "in my skin" lately and not so bothered about the redness. I suppose that is true. Having an upbeat, positive attitude goes a long way to beating this thing. My darkest days are when I feel bad about how my skin looks.

At least nowadays, I can look in a mirror without freaking out. When i was using steroid creams, my skin was so glowy-red that I cried every time I looked in the mirror.

The fact is that although improvements are slow. They are there. I honestly believe that once this cold British winter is over, my skin will really improve drastically. Maybe this time next year I will be completely healed. Here's hopin'.


Unknown said...

Oh dear,

I'm sorry that your face is giving you problems again. It was looking so much better not too long ago. I have been having similar problems. The skin on my body is comparatively fine, but whenever I'm outside in the freezing weather, my face and scalp tend to flare. I'm working from home 3-4 days a week at the moment to try and keep my skin as happy as possible.

I hope things improve for you really soon - preferably before Christmas!

Louise said...

Hi Johan,
Despite the slight flare, I am in a good place emotionally, which really helps!

The kids break up at the end of next week, so I can hole myself up in the house and avoid the school run for 2 blissful weeks.

Joshua Strawczynski said...

I've got the same problem with my face, it's on the verge of getting better, but I can't quite get there.

Really loving everything you have to say, it's giving me a lot of hope.

Thank you

Louise said...

Thanks josh!