Wednesday 22 August 2012

Day 286 TSW News From Slovenia

Red Skin Syndrome is in the news again. This time in Slovenia.

Red Skin sufferer and fellow blogger Spela submitted an article to her local newspaper and it got published!

This is a great way to get the word out about the dangers of steroid cream overuse. Some of the itsan members have also been on radio shows talking about the condition.

This blog is now getting about 400 hits a day, so there are obviously many people searching for answers.

I can say from experience that Red Skin Syndrome is real, steroid withdrawal is horrible, but healing is absolutely bliss!

I still have a little way to go, but I am seeing improvements every day. I can't believe I have been off the steroid creams for 9 whole months and will be happy to celebrate my "steroid-free-versary" in November!

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