Sunday 19 August 2012

Day 283 Allergies!

For some reason, my allergies seem to be acting up. I am coughing, sneezing and itching and my eyes are watery.

This has had a slightly adverse effect on my skin, as I have been scratching a fair bit. The crooks of my arms have a slight blotchy red rash which may or may not be "true" eczema rather than Red Skin Syndrome. The backs of my legs are also affected. Maybe these areas will always be troublesome, even after I have healed from Red Skin Syndrome. However, to get this thing in context, these rashes are very mild compared to my early withdrawal rashes.

Generally speaking though, my skin is still in good condition and I look forward to posting some photos soon. The best areas are my calves, which are now healed from the terrible wounds which plagued me since January. My face and palms have improved a lot too.

It is sunny today, so I plan to follow Dr Rapaport's advice and get some sun on my skin to accelerate healing.

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