Wednesday 11 April 2012

Day 143 More Research on TSW

Flares have an unpredictable nature. After yesterday, I thought I was in for a bad patch, but I woke up today feeling OK. I just never know how my skin will be from one day to the next.

I managed to have a pretty normal day and visit family and the local garden centre. I've been researching steroid creams on the Internet and come up with lots of interesting information that I plan to share. I also found two new blogs during my search, written by people in Hong Kong who are going through the same as me and searching for answers, so I have added their blogs to my list on the right side of the page.

The answers are out there, but dotted all over the Internet. I feel like I am trying to decode something major by piecing together all of the bits of information available. Opinion varies widely. One article I found (likely funded by a major pharmaceutical company), described steroids as the "gold standard" for treating eczema in children. They based their studies on short term observations of kids using steroids. This research is obviously limited, as the real damage is done over time, years and maybe decades of use. I have used them long term and have a much more accurate picture of what they can do.

Hopefully, the truth will come out and become mainstream as more people discover the damage that long term, uncontrolled use of steroids can do to the skin.

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