Wednesday 7 March 2012

Day 108 Flaky Hair

Flare number six seems to be dying down a little. I'm hoping that I will be feeling well tomorrow. I really feel like I need a break from the flares.

The flares seem to be on the move, and for the first time, I am getting flares on the back of my neck and on my scalp. I think it has something to do with sweating when I am asleep, but every morning, the back of my neck is raw, and my scalp is all wet. in some ways, it is not so bad. At least I can hide it with my hair. I'm just worried about getting lots of flakes in my hair.

My eyes are also pretty bad, as I have a crack on my eyelid which keeps weeping. It dries at night, but starts weeping again in the day. My eyelids are puffy and my eyes are runny, but I don't know whether that coincides with the start of hayfever season here in the UK and I may just be hypersensitive.

My face is also burning  and the skin is very flaky on my chin and cheeks. it feels like my face is on fire, though it doesn't look as red as it feels.

On a good note, my arms, legs and torso are doing better. I have perfect skin in some areas. Progress is slow. but that is the nature of steroid withdrawal. There is no quick fix.

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