Monday 5 March 2012

Day 106 Seretide

The flare is tolerable, but shows no sign af abating just yet. I dressed the wet wounds on my legs as they are still weeping profusely. My neck was still wet when I woke up. My face is burning slightly, but it feels worse than it looks.

I tried weaning myself off my seretide (advair) inhaler, as I know that I am still getting steroids in my body via the inhaler.I had managed to get myself down to one puff a day, but then my lungs started tightening and producing lots of mucus. I started tasting blood when I coughed, so I have gone back to 2 puffs a day again. I think that weaning off the inhaler may be very difficult for me and I am going to have to do it very slowly.

Maybe, and this is just a theory, my body craves the steroid from the inhaler, so my lungs are reacting badly in order to get their "fix" of steroids. I still don't know if my Red Skin Syndrome will heal completely if I am taking in systemic steroids of any sort, but there is no way I am going to mess around with my lungs.

*UPDATE 2022 I was unable to quit the steroid inhalers, however, this did not impact on my skin healing and I was still able to heal from TSW.

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