Tuesday 7 January 2014

Public Humiliation...Just What I Need.....

So as you can see from yesterday's photos, I'm still in a bad flare.

I've been wracking my brains as to why I am flaring, especially as my skin healed in summer. The only pattern I can see is the fact that my flares have occurred in winter, as soon as the clocks changed for daylight savings and then my skin improves in spring again.

One of our healed Itsan vets was explaining how his skin improved in sunny conditions and used to get worse when he lived in colder climates. I think many have seen the same thing in winter.

I was recently reading Tracy S's blog about how she improved drastically by combining her no moisturiser regime with tanning sessions (her pictures are amazing, folks!) so I thought I would pop round to the local salon which is 5 minutes away from my house to find out more.

Anyway, I go inside and explain why I'd like to try the sunbed. The shop owner looked quite agitated and explained that they don't like to let people with "skin conditions" use the sun beds, then started frantically fumbling in the drawer to find her "disclaimer".

I continued to explain that I wanted to try I because my skin cleared up last summer and that a friend of mine had tried it and recommended it. She went into the back room and came back saying that the owner of the sunbed would not allow me to use it because my skin was broken. She referred to a small scab on my forehead, which you can see in yesterday's photo.

Luckily there was only one other customer in the shop, because I was starting to feel a little embarrassed at this point.

I can't see the problem, as I was quite willing to accept and take full responsibility for any risk associated with the procedure. Maybe they thought I was contagious!

Anyway, it was all pretty humiliating. She did add that if my skin improves I should come back, but to be honest, I have no intention of putting myself through that again.

Anyway, I've had a good cry about it and blogging is always cathartic, so I'm good.

My next plan is to get some vitamin d supplements to see if they help.

As always, I will report my progress.


Ruby said...

Oh that's awful! I am so sorry you had to go through that! We are very lucky in Australia that there are some Derms who have UV therapy at their clinics and it is all covered by Medicare. Do you have anything like that where you are? xx

Louise said...

I know there is a light box at our local hospital, but that would involve a referral from the doctor to the dermatologist, who would have to make the decision.

Problem is, I would have to explain to him that I have been off steroids for 2 years and I really don't want to have that conversation...

A friend of mine has a UV box, so I may ask her if I can borrow it.

Either that or start praying for sunshine.....

How are you getting on with your MW Ruby? I like the fact that my redness has gone down a lot, but I keep feeling the urge to cheat and dab on a bit of cream!

Ruby said...

If you explain that in summer you have perfectly clear skin - but flares on your face in winter? Generally the medical ones are stand up too which is more hygenic. But cool if your friend has one!

MW is going fine and in my opinion there is no such thing as cheating? If you want to try moisturiser on a bit that is your decision! I use a zinc oxide based sunscreen on occasion for bits of my body if I feel like it. If the air is hurting my neck for example and needs a small barrier. I don't use moisturiser in general because it makes the process more comfortable, but it isn't a failure if I use some sometimes. Like anything on this journey, I do what I need to at the time!

Louise said...

Yes, I did explain that to her. She said she "understood", but we all know that nobody understands this unless they have been through it.

I'm glad the MW is helping you. I am sticking with it because I believe it will help long term, but perhaps I will feel a bit less guilty about applying the odd dab of moisturiser occasionally!

Much love and thanks for your kind comments as always. X

Tracy S said...

Oh Louise!!! Darn rude they were! It's a contagious thing primarily and legality thing secondarily. I still think you should try one other place and just say you miss your summer color! Don't mention a thing about your skin. There's a big MRSA problem so I'm guessing they are afraid of that. But try not to let it bother you! They are just ignorant!

Louise said...

Bless you Tracy and thanks for cheering me up.

It was just SO embarrassing. I'm just glad there was only one other customer in there at the time!

Their loss if they don't want my cash.

By the way, great to see your improvements on your blog. Inspirational stuff. X

http://edenskin.blogspot.com said...

Ignorant idiots! People are such insensitive pigs!
it probably doesn't help cheer you up with my little tantrum here ... sorry :(

I wish the end was in sight for all of us ... just hang in there.

Louise said...

It's just nice to know I've got my red skin warriors becoming me up and giving me encouragement!

BTW, I loved Edens latest photos and her beautiful smile always cheers me up. The TSW kids are little stars. X

Louise said...

Sorry I meant to say "backing me up", not " becoming me up".

Darn autocorrect!

Brit said...

Awww how awful! Well honestly I would not have told her anything about your skin condition. When I tried tanning for TSW, I never said anything and the 19 year old college girls who work at the tanning salon couldn't care less so long as I checked the boxes and signed the forms!

I figure not only do I know more about skin in general than they do, I am obviously going to know WAY more about TSW and the risks I am willing to take for chances of improvement. Maybe it's different in the UK and the employees at tanning salons are expected to consult more or something? Here they basically just make sure you sign off on all the scary "YOU WILL GET CANCER!!" legal forms and clean the sunbeds between customers.

Louise said...

Great comment Brista!

I never got as far as seeing the "you will get cancer!" form, but maybe it would have had me running for the hills anyway!

The sun is shining a bit today between the rain clouds, so maybe I will get my UV fix that way :)

Hope you are doing ok brista. X