Monday 1 July 2013

What? Another Flare? Seriously?

Here I am, posting lots of happy healed photos on the blog and saying how I haven't flared in ages, when....yep, you guessed it.... I get another flare!

My last flare was 14th May so I have been very fortunate to have had a 6 week break between flares, which is probably the longest break yet!

 I want to reassure everyone that it was quite a mild flare and didn't really bother me too much.

Unlike previous flares that have affected my face, this one decided to bypass the face and go straight to the arms. It made my arms very itchy and sore, but at least I could cover them up with a long sleeved T shirt and nobody was any the wiser. In fact, I went to a party whilst I was flaring and people were commenting on how good my skin was doing, because my face was quite good and I had my arms covered up!

The worst affected areas have been my inner arms from elbow to wrist and my palms. The rest of my body is normal skin, so the flare has been very localised. It is dying down today and going from the wet hot phase to the dry phase.

My face is a bit red today
...and this is my arm today
So I guess I am not done with TSW yet.

I don't want these photos to discourage anyone, but I have to be brutally honest about how TSW affects the body.

You have good days and bad days.

Overall, I am on the up. My skin is a lot smoother and I am really noticing the difference. Small flares like this are just "blips" and I bet I will be back posting good photos again in the next day or so. The breaks between flares will get longer and longer, I am sure.

Going off on a tangent a little...has anyone looked at Dr Fukayas blog today? It is all about how incidences of "eczema" skyrocketed after the advent of topical steroids. My quote of the day is:

"..the number of patients with AD (atopic dermatitis) has been increasing after TS was produced and came onto the market half a century ago. There is no other disease that has a population of the patients increased after a medicine for the disease has been produced."

Makes you think, doesn't it?


Unknown said...

Awww :( you were doing so well! Skin changes all the time though, so as you say, it should be better soon. Interesting quote too x

Unknown said...

You are already almost there, healed. Am sure that the flares, if any, will be less severe. I like your blogs, they are always encouraging.

Tracy S said...

Gosh darn those late flares!!! I look forward to those days! :) You are a great inspiration to all of us trying to get through each day! This little flare will be over before you know it!

johnboy said...

cant beleive that your having another flare Louise but i have to say that your skin looks a whole lot better than it did a few months back . glad that this latest one isnt too bad . wierd though because im having a very similar flare at the moment . cant grumble though because , like yours , it isnt as bad as before and i havent flared for about four weeks or more . mine is mainly arms and neck and ive had an itch fest on my face a few times . doesnt last long though . keep going Louise . God bless .

Lisa Leung said...

Dont worry louise. You still look great.