Friday 26 April 2013

The Sun is Healing My Skin! (photos)

We are still getting bits of sun in between the clouds and every time it shines, I get outside to enjoy it. The effect on my skin has been amazing.

After 3 weeks constant oozy neck at night, I finally had a break and it was wonderful. All the oozy bits seem to be drying up and my skin has a lot more flexibility. It doesn't feel dry now, it feels smooth.

Here are today's photos and I hope they give people a bit of hope that they WILL heal!
My skin is a lot clearer and less pink. it is not red anymore. In fact, because of the sun, most people have got the same colour skin as me now; white with pinky tones!

Here is a slightly side-on view. The red bits on my chin are where I have scratched in my sleep, otherwise my face would be quite clear. Blotching is diffuse and minimal. The skin feels silky smooth and supple, not at all tight or dry.
My neck was awful a few weeks ago, with oozing every night. It is starting to heal. The skin is returning to normal.

I'm so happy at the good effect the sun has had on my steroid-damaged skin! I feel like full healing is within my grasp at long last. I honestly hope I am done flaring now, as that last neck flare was crazy.


Unknown said...

Hi Louise
Congratulations on coming through your latest flare and glad that the sun is making a difference to your skin.
Looking good!!!

Keep healing


Nicole Stonewall said...

So happy to hear that your skin is healing and some sunshine is helping.
I just want to thank you for writing your blog. without blogs like yours I wouldn't have known about the dangers of topical steroid creams. THis winter I started with a small dry patch on my neck with no prior eczema history. my allergist said, "oh that's eczema, just put some OTC hydrocortizone cream on it and if it doesn't clear up in two weeks, go to the doctor." Well it didn't go away and it spread. Desparate I went back to the dcotor, who prescribed me mometasome furoate cream (and by reading your early post on the potencies, this one is strong!). I wasn't instructed by the doctor on how long to take it, all they said was don't use it on my face. But my neck ALSO absorbs these creams rapidly. And after using this, these spots cleared but the rash spread to pretty much everywhere, at this point i was using it on my neck, groins, stomach, chest, back of my legs, armpits, and arms. After doing some research I found some websites and blogs that led me to think maybe I was addicted to steroids. Telling my doctor, he dismissed the idea and gave me a referral to the dermotologist. After telling the dermatologist what I thought, he literally said, "I will refill your current steroid prescription, I'll make it a big tub so you can cover your whole body in it." I started crying in the doctors office telling them I was frustrated because no one was listening to me. Long story short, I decided to stop all steroid use, against what my doctors were saying. I had only been on steroid creams for two months but that was long enough for me to develop an addiction, based on where i was applying it on my body and how much. I did flare up quite a bit, and it is pretty bad, in tears everyday. But i know that without your blog, i would have continued steroid use. And this recovery would be a million times worse. I'm not sure how long I have to go because I didn't take it for long, but I'm hopeful and everyday i feel a little bit better, making me feel like a made the right decision. It's been a lonely process, as doctors and some of my family don't understand this. But my boyfriend has been really supportive. Again thank you so much for sharing your journey and information about steroid addiction without this I would still be on topical steroids.

Louise said...

Hi Nicola. Glad the blog is helping you. I feel great at the moment, although it has been a long journey with lots of ups and downs. Try the itsan forum, which is great for connecting with others for support. X

Unknown said...

Bentonite clay!!! Aztec Indian Healing Clay! Bathe in it for 1-2 hours, facial/hand masks for 30mins, drink two cups of it daily. It is helping me so much with my tsw journey I can not stress how power this thing is in helping my body detox from the many years of corticosteroid usage! Please help me spread this message to all TSW sufferers, we should not have to go through the hell that this sickness inflicts on us mentally, physically, and spiritually. Dead sea salt baths mixed with a cup of bentonite clay is double the effective!! Spread the word and do more research if you do not believe me!