Tuesday 16 October 2012

Day 341: (photos)

It is really hard for me to post this photo.

I have had so many lovely comments from people who have been encouraged by my progress, and to show this photo feels like I am letting everyone down.

BUT....I have to be honest about the reality of TSW and the reality is that it has ups and downs. I thought I was almost healed, but I have hit a setback.

I woke up this morning and the left half of my face felt wet. The skin was rough again, like sandpaper, and the skin was oozing fluid, a bit like in the early days of withdrawals. Don't get me wrong, it hasn't been disabling, and I have still been out and about as normal, but it seems so  discouraging at almost 12 months in.

Anyway, here is the photo:

As you can see, the skin is not overly red, and it is not until you get really close that you notice it, but it feels uncomfortable, sore and itchy.

This is what the my face looked like a few weeks ago, so you can see why I am sad:
It seems that my facial skin is on a weekly flare cycle. For some reason, it flares on a Tuesday, and by the weekend it looks normal, before flaring again the following Tuesday.

The rest of my body is doing really well...
My hand is NORMAL!!! It used to have a big red "tidemark" on it, but the skin is lovely now.
My inner arm was a huge problem area for me, but is now almost normal colour too. I am not afraid to wear short sleeved tops now.

My neck is also much improved. Only a little bit of pink visible. I remember when it was so bad, I couldn't move it and this area was all shiny and red, like plastic.
...so I shouldn't really moan, but its my blog and I'll cry if I want to! I have tried to figure out why I am flaring, but there are too many variables. The TSW rash seems to be focusing all its efforts on my face and leaving the rest of me alone, so I think it is losing power.

TSW is a very long journey and yes, I have days when I wonder if my skin will ever actually heal fully, but I am still glad I got off the steroids, as I believe they were doing me no good at all. Others have healed, so I really hope it will happen for me soon and that this face thing is a "blip". I hope nobody is discouraged by this post.


Emily said...

hi Louise,
I wonder if your oozing fluid is cause by your make up last time, since skin is still very fragile.. But I think you've nothing to worry, it'll be better soon. Louise, when the last time your skin become better, is the area around your mouth the last area to heal?

Louise said...

Thanks emily. Feeling really low at the moment, so your encouragement means a lot to me.x

Mariella said...

Louise, I just wanted to say that you're not letting anyone down with this flare. We all understand the nature of TSW, and we know that it's unpredictable. Unless you've used a new product recently, your face is flaring because that's what it has to do to heal :) The fact that the rest of your skin is amazing is proof that you are healing! You said that you mainly put steroids on your face, so that's the place that needs the most time. But it will heal, and you know that! Don't let this flare get you down. You've seen how amazing your skin can be, so just try your best to focus on that. I know it seems like a setback, but it's really a big step toward permanently beautiful skin :)


Louise said...

Thanks mariella. I know you are right, it is just getting me down that i am flaring this bad so long into the process. Xxx