Thursday 12 January 2012

Day 53 Dr Fukaya Blog About Steroid Addiction

My skin is doing pretty well apart from my neck, which feels as if  the skin has shrunk tightly and lost all elasticity. Some areas of my neck have actually split when I have tried to turn my head and there is actually a split line beneath my chin that looks like my throat has been cut with a knife. I hope that I get more mobility in my neck soon, as it is really painful and makes me look very strange indeed as I can't walk tall with my head high and I am having to walk around with scrunched shoulders.

On a positive note, I was able to have a pretty normal day, attending a meeting at the school before shopping in town and having lunch in a restaurant. I love days like this, especially as I have been cooped up in the house all week apart from doing the school run every day.

There is a great link on the google group for Dr Fukaya's blog page. You may recall, Dr Fukaya MD is the Japanese doctor who documented and treated many cases of steroid addicted skin. To translate the Japanese, just right click the text and choose the translate option. Although he is now working as a cosmetic surgeon, he still has a great deal of interest in the subject of steroid addicted skin, and is one of the foremost experts on the subject.

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