Thursday 5 January 2012

Day 46: Photos

Now I am nearly 7 weeks into withdrawal, I have experienced quite a bit of improvement in skin condition. I have more energy and my skin is softer and not flaking so much. I thought I would post these encouraging photos of my arm and hand, which had been badly affected previously.
As you can see, the redness on my arms had calmed down considerably, and is not pink rather than red. It is slightly dry, but definitely a huge improvement.

The back of my hand is also calmer with paler skin. It is almost normal, apart from some slight redness at the base of my fingers.

I have had my ups and downs over the last 7 weeks, but I am really pleased with the way that my skin has improved. It feels smoother and the redness is going slowly. I know it is going to take time, but at least I feel like I am starting to get my life back.

The epsom baths are helping greatly, although I take one at night now instead of first thing in the morning, as the bath helps me relax and sleep better.

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