Thursday, 13 February 2014

Skin Update at Almost 27 Months (photo)

I'm posting this because I keep getting messages from people asking how my skin is doing and I realised that I haven't posted any photos in a while, as I've been busy writing about other things.

I suppose part of the reason is because my skin is in a bit of a stagnant phase due to the weather it isn't bad and it isn't good. it's just sort of hanging in that "in-between" place before the good weather comes.

It isn't really stopping me doing anything, but I'm not about to go and enter any beauty contests either.

Talking of the weather, we have had lots of wet, rainy weather here lately. You may have seen on the news that much of the UK is underwater and people have been flooded. My skin has mirrored the weather really. When it is grey and dull, my skin has been a bit dull. When the sun shines, it clears up a bit and I even get the odd compliment about how well I seem to be doing.

Anyway, here is the photo for today. My face isn't too bad, but there are a couple of scratches where I've caught it in the night with my busy fingernails.
Oh well...getting there slowly....

Roll on Summer!


Tracy S said...

Hi Louise!! The stagnant phase is frustrating however I'd take that over a flare any day! Your skin actually looks redness in between the irritated areas. Hopefully you get some sun over there soon to clear your skin and dry up some of that water!! UGH! We are in the midst of yet another snow storm. Yippee for the dry air! (Sarcasm dripping!).

Louise said...

Thanks Tracy!

The sun actually came out today, although I saw on the news that we have three big storms headed our way the next few days!

Snow sounds just as bad, although I think my skin does get better on snowy days because of the extra UV.

Roll on summertime and good skin days all round!

Jo said...

You look absolutely fine I think :)
I want to ask you how the itching is in general for you now? Not only on your face but the whole body? Has it de/increased?
Have a nice eve!

Louise said...

Thanks Jo.

I don't find the itching a major problem really. I think it's just something that's there in the background. I mean, I am not conciously itchy, but I suppose I just scratch away subconsciously out of habit.

That's why I scratch in my sleep I think, and wake up with a red nose!

The only time I am conciously itchy is if I'm stressed or upset. Then I start raking my arms and yelling: "see? I'm all itchy now! " at whoever is stressing me out, usually the hubby or kids!

The itching has definitely decreased over time. I hope that gives people some hope and encouragement.

Hels said...

Hi Louise! Just stumbled upon your blog. I am on the brink of embarking upon withdrawal, but trying to arm myself with as much info as possible before hand. I work FT as a primary school teacher (UK) and wondering if GP will give me long term sick notes during withdrawal even though it's a condition they don't recognise??? I earn considerably more than my husband and I am mum to 4 year old and 15 month old boys! Just wondering what this could do to my family if I end up losing my job and being unable to care for my children. Thanks in advance and for sharing your story. x

Louise said...

Hi Hels,
It's a tricky one for me to answer as withdrawal can affect people in different ways. I have know people who have been able to continue working all the way through, but in the majority of cases, people need to take time off especially in the first three months.

I would recommend joining the Itsan forum if you haven't already, as I know at least one member on there works as a teacher and may be able to share experiences with you.

I'm afraid I don't know about the sick notes at all and would imagine that it would be at the discretion of the doctor. The big problem is that you are essentially refusing "treatment" which may cause problems. I am lucky because I work from home and haven't had to obtain a sick note but I was VERY ill in the beginning, basically bed bound, so I know I would not have coped with full time work.

Sorry I can't be of more help to you. Severity of withdrawal has many factors, including length of usage and potency of the creams used.

Joining the itsan forum is probably my best advice, as there are about 1000 members on there now and it is likely that you will find someone who can answer you questions better than I can.

Best wishes and hopefully see you on the forum soon. X

Abby said...

Hi there, I stumbled upon your blog and am glad you shared! It's nice to read about other experiences and how you are coping :) I have tonnes of clients who experience the same thing (as I was once someone who experienced it myself as well).

Your skin is looking a lot better and you're so brave to share your experiences with the world! :)

Will be coming back to read more posts!
