Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Compression Bandages and Rolled Gauze

Yesterday, I briefly touched on the fact that we have to sometimes be creative and inventive in our methods for dealing with TSW symptoms.

Fellow blogger (and good friend) Heather, over on the eczemancipated blog has just written a post about compression bandages and rolled gauze and how she uses these items in the management of her symptoms.

Please take the time to read her well-written and researched blogpost on the subject. It has lots of useful hints and tips about the best products to use and how to use them.

Remember to share any tips and hints in the comments section below if you have a particular method that works well for you.


Ruby said...

thanks for sharing this. Tubular bandages make leaving the house soooo much easier. I just wish there was one for my face haha.

And I am surely going to check if I can get them on prescription!

How are you doing Louise? xx

Louise said...

Tubular bandage with eyes and mouth cut out=special face bandage! I could make millions with this.....