Wednesday 11 December 2013

Day 5 of Moisturiser Withdrawal Experiment. Turning a Corner?

See the question mark in the heading? That's because I hope that I am turning a corner, but I will let the photo do the talking. Maybe it is in the eye of the beholder.
So if you compare that to the previous couple of days, I don't think it looks so bad today. And yes, it is flaky, but it isn't overly red, which has to be a good thing. I'm really pleased with my skin colour right now.

On the left hand side of the picture, you can see the red marks where I have scratched the skin away prematurely and it has left a raw patch underneath. These raw patches are skin that is not ready to appear yet and they generally take 2 days to calm down and merge with the rest of the skin.

When I wake up in the morning, the skin looks really good, it think because of the humidity and warmth of the bed, which help the flakes to adhere to my face. Within a few minutes of hitting the dry air, however, the "adhesive" between the flakes dries out and the flaky skin is more prominent.

I have been doing "No-Mo" very strictly and can proudly say that I have not used so much as a drop of moisturiser on my face since starting this process. I'm always amazed how much dry skin the body can produce though!

On the downside, I am still oozing badly behind my ears and my hair is all matted and sticky in the mornings. Yucky yuck.

Thanks everyone who has shared experiences in the comments section of the blog. Please keep them coming. I want to gain an accurate picture of whether MW is helping people or not. I have had a lot of responses, some good and some not so good, which is leading me to believe that MW works great for some people, but maybe not everyone. I hope to find out more about percentages by running a poll on the Itsan forum. If you haven't voted in the poll yet, please do, as it will help me gain an idea of exactly how useful MW is (or is not!) to people going through steroid cream withdrawal.

When I get enough responses, I will post the results on the blog. Remember, the more people that vote, the more accurate the result will be, so PLEASE VOTE. It will only take a couple of seconds of your time. The results so far have been very interesting. It would seem that about 70% of people polled have tried moisturiser withdrawal. But did it help them? Well, you will have to wait and see the results of the poll in a future blogpost....

I regard this as a scientific experiment on myself and have no preconceptions about what the eventual result may be. I hold my stand as completely neutral when it comes to the subject of Moisturiser Withdrawal and have no intention of touting it as a "Miracle Therapy" for TSW unless research proves otherwise. I hope my readers appreciate my balanced, unbiased approach on the subject.


Unknown said...

Hi Louise
Thanks for keeping us posted with your "No-Mo" experiment. I am on day day 3 of moisture withdrawal on my legs. The colour/flare has subsided remarkably and I can also confirm that the colour from your face has drained also, in a good way!!!!
Hope you a feeling better real soon and are able to give us a smile.
Love, light and peace
Siegfried x

Louise said...

Yeah, I will smile on the next photo!

johnboy said...

Hi Louise

Looking at the photo today , i can see a marked improvement from previous days . I am waiting to see how this turns out for you , you are so brave to even try it . As you may know from my earler posts , i have only used vaseline throughout my withdrawel (14 months now ) . i am at the point were i only use it on my neck , head and face and sometimes on my hands . i am only using it twice a day as well and also with method . I lather it on then wait 2 minutes then whipe off . this keeps me going for about 10 hours at a time so not bad . Keep going Louise , your a trooper. xx