Monday 9 December 2013

Day 3 of My Moisturiser Withdrawal Experiment (photos)

I have been flaring so badly since the onset of the cold weather and my skin seems to have gotten to the point where nothing works on it anymore, so I decided at the weekend to give the moisturiser withdrawal another go, figuring I had nothing to lose.

Last time I tried it, I really hated it, but I have been reading lots of positive reports on blogs from ones who are having success with it, so I thought it only fair to give it another go in the name of science and experimentation!!!

One person who has been a massive inspiration to me has been Ruby. You can read her blog here. She recommends giving it a week, reminding her readers that day 2 and 3 are really hard and not to give up.

So I'm going to give it a week. I don't know what to expect, but i think a week is long enough to make an informed opinion on the subject.

They say don't knock it until you've tried it.

The one good thing about moisturiser withdrawal is that it doesn't cost anything to try. So why not try the one week challenge and see if it suits you?

Anyway. Here are my thoughts so far.

On day 1 my skin went super tight and I couldn't move my mouth very much (a blessing for my long suffering family!). The day was tough, but the redness did seem to subside and by the evening, I could move a bit better. HOWEVER. I had a terrible night and by the morning my skin was really bad again, which led to my ranty post yesterday.

On day 2, I woke up crying and feeling awful. Again, as the day went on, movement became easier. The hardest thing is not picking at the flaky skin. I am flaking everywhere, leaving little skin trails.

Now I am on day 3. The redness has gone down a LOT. The flaking is awful though, and I am not going out looking like this (school run unavoidable, sadly). I think the only way through moisturiser withdrawal is to hole oneself away for a week. The flaking is round my mouth and I have a lot of bleeding cracks. This morning, the movement seems better, which leads me to believe that maybe the new skin underneath is coming though. Some flakes have peeled off, but the skin underneath is raw and wet because I am in a flare.

Also, because I am in a flare, areas where I have NEVER moisturised are red and rashy, like my belly and thighs. Because of this, I don't think that moisturiser withdrawal is the be all and end all, or a cure to TSW. The backs of my ears, where I NEVER ever used any sort of moisturiser are still oozy. Go figure.

TSW is primarily a vascular condition, which means that there is a lot more going on that just the surface level of the skin. We flare because of the blood vessels dilating and I don't think that moisturiser withdrawal can help with that. However, on a surface level, there may be a lot to be said for leaving the skin well alone and not doing anything to irritate it, which is why I believe that this method may help me.

I've tried looking up and researching articles on the subject online, but for every Pubmed article that I find that is "anti-moisturiser", I find another that says the exact opposite. The problem is that I wonder whether the pro-moisturiser research may be skewed because it may be sponsored by pharmaceutical companies wishing to sell their products.

In short: I'm still on the fence about whether MW will personally help me or not, but I'm trying it out and recording my progress with photos so that readers can make their own mind up on the subject.

Here are today's photos:
Here is an extreme close up of the skin on the lower half of my face. You can see how flaky it is and the dark pink area at the top is an area where a large skin flake has peeled off to revel a wet, raw area underneath. Yuck. You can also clearly see that my skin is flaring underneath the flaky skin.
Redness down, flakes up. and no, I can't smile because I can't move my mouth! I may wear a mask on the school run later...


Ruby said...

Ohh looks so sore! Not being able to move the mouth is horrible - and it is one area that still splits and cracks for me but is getting better.

I have been having trouble with a couple of sore spots on my neck and face and have just started using zinc based sunscreen to try and heal them. These get worse than they otherwise would because I slap my face repetitively when stressed.

Last week I went out for my mans birthday and put a tiny bit of hemp balm on the side of my face that is the worst. It therefore didn't look scaly although it did get redder by the end of the evening.

I look forward to seeing how you go at the end of the week.

Big scaly lizard hugs
Love Ruby

Louise said...

Thanks rubes,
I'm heading into unchartered territory here so I don't know how the MW will affect me.

There is dead skin EVERWHERE! Lol.

My poor Hetty Hoover is working overtime.

Unknown said...

Hi Louise, sorry to see you are flaring again.
I too have been researching the pros and cons of MW and decided to stop with the moisturiser (cetraben) on my legs to see how I get on!
The first day wasn't too bad but day two was tight and sore especially at the backs of the knees.
I am andi flaring on my neck and face pretty badly, swelling like the first month. Just in time for Xmas, fantastic!!!
Look forward to see how you get on and hoping your lastest flare is short lived and you're able to smile for us again!
Love, light and peace

Louise said...

Hi siegs,
It will be interesting to see how we all get on with the MW.

Happy healing. X

Tracy S said...

Hi Louise! So sorry my dear you are having another flare!!! Such BS this TSW is! I know with some of the private emails I exchange with others, I am finding people do well with MW after being on MSM for about a week or 2. The MSM is a natural anti-inflammatory so it helps bring down the redness, swelling, and ooze. Then they do the MW and find it much easier to deal with. Just thought I would throw my 2 cents in only because so many are finding relief with just the MSM. I really hope the MW helps you my dear!! You have suffered long and hard! I think many of us are holding our breaths waiting for your next post! I am dying to know how you are doing! Praying for you my friend!

Louise said...

Thanks Tracy! you are another one of the bloggers who inspired me to give it a go.

Can you tell me a bit more about the MSM? I've seen it in shops. How much do you take and how does it work?

Thanks. X

Tracy S said...

Hi Louise! The MSM is a natural anti-inflammatory. It helps reduce the redness, swelling, and ooze. So far all the ones trying it who have emailed me say that if they stop, the ooze comes right back. I will ooze if I go below a certain dose. For me 12 grams a day works best. I read that studies show 20 grams a day has no side effects. Up to 100 grams a day have also been studied with no known side effects. I usually tell people to start somewhere between 5-10 grams per day and work up every 3-4 days until oozing stops. The first 3-4 days may make you feel worse - that seems to be normal and may be a healing reaction....almost like the first 3-4 days of MW make you feel worse. :) Let me know how it goes for you if you try it! Keeping a log of everyone I know trying it to see if we need to study it further!

Louise said...

Thanks. Will get some and report back!

Ruby said...

Regarding MSM - 12g is a MASSIVE dose so if you are going to use that much build up to it very slowly. I use about 4-5g a day. Build up slowly as this sulphur compound significantly increases phase II detoxification in the liver. This is a good thing for atopics but just give your body time to adjust gradually. I agree that it is safe to use and have 5 years experience with it myself personally and with customers, but it is also acts powerfully on the liver :)

Joey V. said...

I'm so sorry you are flaring again dear friend! How many months in are you and how long was your calm time?

I agree that this is vascular related and more needs to be studied on how to suppress that process but I commend you for trying no moisture just to know for yourself at least.

I personally have not used moisture on my healed areas since the spring and just about a month ago stopped using it on my last bad area, the upper legs and don't see much difference in using or not using but if it makes the trip easier for some, then I'm all for it. :)

I've been taking 1000 mg. of msm for years but am upping the dose to two a day to see if it will help my itching at night? I don't know how much mg is in a gram, though.

Sure wish there was a way to stop these nasty later flares for sure. Hope this is the last of the worst for you! xoxo

jsan said...

More than 5gm of msm in a day can give you a wicked headache and dizzy spells. Build up slowly. That being said I've been using msm all through my tsw (7 months now) and never oozed aside from a brief flare behind my knees, and have found it all relatively painless. Also been moisturizer free through it.

Leslie said...

Nice update!

In my experience (when my skin looked similar to your condition), you will start to keep flaking, drying, leaving skin trails all around for close to a month or so. New raw skin will be formed whenever flakes/scabs are scratched away intentionally or not.

Overtime, the flakes will reduce and skin toughens up.

Hope this helps you in preparing yourself for the next phase!

- Leslie

Unknown said...

Please help. Im lost. Going through tsw but I am confused about the moisture withdraw. No moisturizers should be used at all?

Louise said...


It's just an experiment I'm trying on myself. You don't have to withdraw from moisturisers to heal from TSW, plenty of people have healed and still used moisturisers throughout.

I'm just trying it out because a lot of people were saying it helped them to cope during flares.

And no, I'm not using any moisturisers of any type. I'm being very strict with this!!!

Just be clear, this is about me trying this out for myself. I'm not advocating anyone else do it. Maybe it ps best to wait and see how I get on with it before considering it, especially if it doesn't work!