Friday, 29 March 2013

6 Days Into This Flare

My last skin flare at the end of February lasted 10 days, so I am expecting this one to be similar. it is just a case of sitting it out and waiting.

Last night was rough. My neck started oozing fluid as soon as my head hit the pillow and the oozing, red skin has now spread down my neck to my chest. I woke up at 3:00 a.m. and it took me hours to doze off again. It was hard to get comfortable. in the end I zonked out completely and finally woke up about 8:30 which is late for me. There was blood all over the pillowcase, flakes in the bed and stinking ooze all over the duvet. More washing today then!

I am quite philosophical about skin flares. I just view them as necessary medicine.I was thinking last night of the analogy of a building project. If an ugly building is to be remodelled, there will be a lot of disruption and chaos whilst the repairs and reconstruction take place. But in the end, the result is worth it. It looks like my face and neck are going through a reconstruction, but I know that in a few days, my skin will be glowing and better than ever. The sun has even decided to shine today!

Stay positive, Red-Skinners! The current flare may be the last one before you heal completely!

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