Thursday, 14 February 2013

Solve Eczema

Today I want to briefly talk about a great site called Solve Eczema. The site was created by a family who wanted cure their child's eczema by looking at the root cause, or trigger of the problem. In their particular case, the baby was reacting to detergents, which unfortunately are found everywhere, including washing powder, washing up liquid, cleaning products, bubble bath, shampoo and toothpaste! Obviously, making the switch to safe alternatives was not easy, but they saw a dramatic improvement in their baby's skin after converting to soap, rather than detergent products.

We may think that soaps and detergents are the same, but they are not. Soaps are formed from a chemical reaction of lye and fat, which creates glycerine. Detergents that we use today were created during World War 2, when the ingredients used to make soap were in short supply. By using petroleum as an ingredient, modern detergents were developed and gained popularity, despite the fact that they can be harmful to health, permeating skin membrane or causing breathing problems, such as asthma.

The Solve Eczema site claims that as many as 60% of all eczema cases may be caused by detergent sensitivity and recommend that sufferers try quitting detergents to see how they get on.

I find this approach refreshing because it gets to the root of the problem. I'm not saying that all eczema is due to detergent allergy, but my point is that by searching for a root cause and eliminating it rather than covering over the problem with "magic creams" seems to be a much more sensible way of dealing with eczema in general.

Parents should consider diet, environment and all possible allergy triggers rather than automatically going down the steroid route. The latter is easier of course, and offers immediate results, but may have nasty long term implications.


Unknown said...

You saved my life.I have been trying to contact you.But this website always gave me trouble.I am now in my 10th month of TSW.I found Kelly's site but I am in Canada.No one believed me.From Sept to Nov 2012 I was bed written.I could not move or do anything.I could not wear any clothes.I tried to kill my self.No one believed me and no one understood me.I had no real support.I had been hospitalized several times and they tried to trick me back into Steroids.I finally gave up.After months of barely sleeping and only laying in bed I tried to over doze on pills.I was not in my right mind due to no sleep etc.Right before I tried to over dose I found your blog and just kept reading it from start to finish.Not only did it keep me going but it kept me ALIVE! Yes you typing all those articles which seems pointless at times kept me going.You saved a 30 year old Canadian girls life! I am forever great full of all of your blogs! Keep going even if they feel pointless at times they are not.My communication from Canada is not doing well for some odd reason but I wish you were on the board with Kelly and Dr.Rapaport.For information is amazing and very helpful! God bless you! I would call you my TSW guardian angel but I'm so sick of those stupid letters and pray one day we will never have to use them again! Thank you so much my guardian angel! keep going because a lot of us are following your lead!

Louise said...

Hi Eli,
Thank you for your moving.and powerful words. They mean everything to me.

I'm so glad you found strength from the blog. This thing can be a nightmare and leave us feeling rock bottom, we have to fight in the knowledge that we will heal!

So many people are coming out of the tunnel and healing now. It gives me so much hope.

Consider going on the site and joining the forum. There are many there going through this and they will talk to you and help you cope. I go on every day, so it is easier for you to message me there if this blog makes it hard for you to post a comment.

Thanks for sharing your story. You have made me so happy! Much love and happy healing to you. I wish you all the best. Keep me posted on your progress. X