A couple of days ago I thought that my face was almost healed. The skin was a lot smoother and some of the troublesome areas were starting to improve.
Unfortunately, as is often the case with TSW, this was not to last.
Last night when I was lying in bed, I seemed to have trouble with the nerves on the left side of my face. The skin felt tight and sore. The skin on my chin kept leaching fluid and it was hard to get comfortable.
When I woke up, the bottom half of my face was covered in fine yellow crust that had set hard. Ugh.
I have found, from trial and error, that when the skin is like this, it is best not to moisturise, even though this seems counter-intuitive. The best remedy for me is to make up some domeboro solution or epsom salts in water and apply to a cotton wool pad, gently dabbing the face. It is important not to pull at the crusty areas, as the area underneath will be wet and will only crust away again. The best thing to do is dab and let it dry and then a few hours later, dab again. The astringent effect of the domeboro will dry up the ooze and stop the crusting.
I am nearly 15 months into TSW, but used strong steroids on my face, so it is understandable that the skin is having a tough time getting itself right. I believe that any change, even the icky ooze, is a sign that the skin is doing something to right itself and I still think full healing is not far away. The rest of my body is doing great, with much of the skin back to normal. My palms, which have given me a lot of grief over the past month or so are finally going back to normal.
There is no way I will let this setback get me down. I am too close to the finish line!
Hi Louise,
I've a suggestion for you, that is not to use cleanser as well, just use water to wash your face. Cos while Rochelle on tsw, she used nothing just water to wash her face, you can give it a try...
Thanks Emily. It's really hard to know what to put on my face. Used a new cleanser last night which may explain all this....
Hi Louise, I have been following your blog for a few weeks now and am planning TSW in June.
I too have used used creams mostly on my face and neck ( Betnovate, for past 10-12 years ).
Was wondering what strength creams you have been using?
Wayne (Uk)
Hi Wayne. I used mild crams on and off in childhood and teens but started on the eumovate in my early 20's, increasing to the fucibet cream (betnovate) on my face, neck and arms for the last year or two before stopping. Never used the oral steroids thankfully, but I do currently use a steroid inhaler for my asthma.
Thanks louise.
I have been on oral steroids in the past, last used about 5 years ago.
I too am on Steroid inhalers for asthma and have been since 4 years old.
I am planning getting off these steroids in June, have to sort out finances etc first, but, in a strange way I am looking forward to getting off them as I know they are really mucking my body up.
Thanks for your swift reply and I hope you continue to heal quickly.
Wayne x
Hi Wayne,
I would advise caution if you plan to get off the orals. My experience on here is limited to the topicals. A few on the itsan forum found that they could stop their inhalers when they quit steroids, but I am still very dependent on mine. Quitting the oral steroids without a doctors advice can be very dangerous.
Chat with others on the itsan forum and read up some of the medical articles on the subject to psyche yourself up. It's a tough road, but worth it in the long run.
Happy healing. X
Yeah, me too Louise.. Really hard to find a gentle cleanser that works, always a disaster trying out new cleanser, at the end, I just use water now to wash my face..
Hey Louise,
Your journey is really interesting. i get alot of eczema too, and have done since i was a baby. I also was on steroids for many years, i'd say about 20 on and off, including inhalers for asthma. I haven't used them in a few years now, i was able to wean off them, mainly with the help of a fortnight at the dead sea every summer, the uv rays kept my skin clear for a good few months. (salt baths in the winter and a hand-held u lamp for the tough patches on my fingers)
I was wrting because the symptoms really sound similar to what I had. I was seeing a homeopath at the time, and she insisted I had to wait it out, and out, and out. anyway, i was in alot of pain. My face was mainly cracked, small cracks, that weeped often, also with the golden crusting. basicaly, my eczema was really infected. I had a swab taken at my doctor that confirmed it was a staph infection.
I had to take flucloxacillin 500mg for two weeks. It really cleared it up. I was reluctant, but the results proved that it was necessary. Have you had your skin swabbed recently, from a weepy patch?
It might be worth getting one done, I know it was a key factor for me. There's alot of trials being done now analysing the role staph plays with eczema, and i know from my experience, when my skin is oozy, with small cracks, red, hot, sore - im pretty sure its a secondary staph infection, caused by the staph entering in the broken skin.
sorry for the long message, i just wanted to share my experience.
All the best
Daniel, London
Hi dan, thanks for the advice. Thankfully the crusty bits seems to be healing ok now. I do think antibiotics help with TSW. A lot of people on the forum have found that their skin has improved after antibiotics and there is definitely a link.
Thank you. X
Thanks for hosting! This week I’ve shared a post about my decision to stop eating corn and cucumbers and other summer produce until they come into season again where I
Best Facial Cleansers for Sensitive Skin
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