Monday 8 October 2012

Day 333 Shedding Phase

Since my post last week, my face went through a mild flare and then a very dry shedding stage, which brought it full circle and pretty much back to normal again. The shedding phase is like a big "reveal" with lovely new skin underneath. I'm a bit like a caterpillar coming out of the cocoon!

My arms now look completely normal, with the only sign of tsw a pinkish rash on my inner arm which is barely noticeable.

My legs are also doing great and my torso is rash-free.

I read a comment on the itsan forum where someone had estimated that for every year of steroid use, it takes a month to heal. I hope it is true, because I used steroid creams for 15 years, so it should take 15 months to heal based on that theory, and I am nearly 11 months into withdrawals! Obviously healing times vary wildly between individuals based on the length of time and potency of steroids used. I wish there was a magic formula to work out healing times, but honestly don't believe there is. Dr Fukaya estimates that it takes roughly 30% of the time that the person was on steroids eek! That would be almost five years for me! I don't fancy waiting that long for good skin!

My estimate is that I will be fully healed by spring 2013.

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