Friday 16 December 2011

Day 26 Lack of Sleep

Today, I want to tackle a problem that affects everyone going through topical steroid withdrawal: sleep depravation. It is something that is discussed a lot by the support group and afffects people in various ways.

Coming off the steroid creams has an instant effect on body chemistry. The whole body becomes red and burning, with itching and oozing skin. Something serious is obviously going on inside the body, and studies of people withdrawaing from steroid creams have noted high nitric oxide levels, as well as abnormally high levels of ADH in the body. Stopping steroids affects the body clock and our natural circadian rhythm. It is also difficult to sleep because it is hard to get comfortable in the bed. Sufferers alternate between profuse sweating and shivering, and can wake up covered in dry, tight flaky skin or wet, oozing areas of skin, which make something as simple as turning over in bed very difficult.

The last four nights have been really hard for me. My sleep routine is bizarre. First of all I take an antihistamine, then I lightly moisturise my worst affected areas, such as my chest and arms and face. I then stuff tissue into my bra and under my bra straps to mop up the oozing in the chest area and pop a small hand towel around my neck in a roll to prevent oozing in the neck area caused by sweating when I sleep. I lie awake in bed for hours, finally falling asleep around 1 or 2 in the morning, but waking frequently and having to re-moisturise my skin, change my clothing or change the tissue. I may get about 3 or 4 hours sleep, before having to wake up and lauch straight into my morning routine getting everyone ready for school.

Needless to say, I am suffering mentally today after 4 nights of minimal sleep. My skin is about the same, but emotionally, I am really teary, edgy and angry. It is hard to cope. No wonder they use sleep deprivation as a form of torture. I would love a hug or some support from my family members but they are so fed up of me snapping at them that I have pushed them all away. My little boy was crying this morning because he wanted me to "stop being angry".

This is hard on everyone.

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