I'd actually forgot about this, but a while ago, Itsan set up a link to Amazon Smile, which means that anyone registering with Amazon can select Itsan as a nominated charity and they can receive a small percentage from all purchases.
As far as I know, it only works with purchases from Amazon.com, so users outside of the U.S. will not be able to use it unless they are shipping items.
I hope this link can be used by blog readers, as it has the potential to help Itsan by users buying what they normally would anyway.
Please nominate Itsan as your chosen charity on Amazon Smile today. It won't cost you anything but it will really help Itsan reach more people and spread the word about TSW.
1 comment:
Thank you for the reminder Louise, we will be adding this tidbit in our newsletters as well and I hope many choose ITSAN as their favorite charity! :)
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