Saturday 14 December 2013

Adrenal Fatigue and Sleep Disruption

One thing that I noticed when I started TSW was that I felt sapped of energy. I remember sitting on the sofa feeling absolutely wiped out and not really understanding why.

I later found out that my tiredness could be linked to the state of my adrenal glands. These little glands are responsible for producing cortisol, a natural steroid that helps to regulate various bodily functions, including blood sugar levels, the immune system and bone formation.

When we use steroids, our body senses that there is an adequate supply of cortisol available, so the adrenals stop making it via the feedback mechanism. When steroid use continues over many years, cortisol production is dramatically affected.

When we stop using steroids, the body quickly has to start making its own cortisol again. That is why people should never quit oral steroids cold turkey, as it can kill in extreme cases. In the case of quitting topical steroids, the dramatic change in cortisol levels can result in extreme fatigue.

Another problem caused by cortisol imbalance is that we may get a cortisol production "spike" in the early hours of the morning, typically at about 4. a.m. This can really affect sleep. It is common for those going through TSW to have very disrupted sleep patterns and to wake in the early hours, only to fall asleep again around 7 a.m.!

 It is well worth googling the topic if you are curious how adrenal fatigue affects the body. One really good suggestion that I picked up was to have a small snack before bed to help regulate the blood sugar. Another was to discuss with a doctor about increasing intake of magnesium, which can help insomnia. An Epsom salt bath may help some to get a dose of magnesium before bed as it is absorbed through the skin.


  1. Hi Louise,
    Just wanted to say thank you for all your efforts running this blog to provide people with information, they are truly appreciated! I see you've had a tough week this week and I wholeheartedly wish you all the best and will keep you in my prayers :)

  2. Thank you Adeebah. Your kind comments mean so much to me.

    One of the lovely things about blogging is being able connect with people from all round the world and share experiences.

    We are all in this together and support each other the best we can. Thanks for your prayers and positive thoughts.

    My blog readers are such a lovely bunch. I feel very blessed. X

  3. louise!!!
    you inspire me on my really bad days.
    reading your blog gives me lots of hope that things will get better but will get worse.
    how is your face? still in bad flare?

  4. Yeah, TSW is a rollercoaster of good and bad.

    We will win in the end though!

    My flare isn't too bad at the moment. I've gone back to taking an antihistamine at night, which helps.

    If it is anything like last year, I probably won't see any big improvements until the sun comes out again in about march or April. Until then it is just about trying to stay as comfortable as possible and riding out the flares.

    Thanks for the lovely comments x
