Monday 21 October 2013

Flaring Again at 23 Months...

TSW is cruel.

It will lift you up to the highest peak and then drop you, smashing you hard into the pavement.

Just last week, I was admiring my lovely smooth skin, thinking that was it, I was almost clear.

I even posted a comment on the blog to someone, saying that I was "pretty much done" with TSW.

My skin had other ideas.

After a lengthy calm skin phase, my skin decided to rebel on me again. October has really started to kick in after a prolonged, sunny Summer and now we are back to dark mornings and relentless rain. It seems no coincidence that my skin flared badly this time last year and that at this time of year i also have a peak in my allergy and asthma symptoms. wanna see pictures? If not, turn away now, cos these ones are particularly ugly.

I had to take the photos in the bathroom. I usually take them by my back door in natural sunlight, but there isn't any sunshine today and it is too dark to get a good photo by the window, so I came to the bathroom. You can see that the one half of my face is all puffy and red and that I have massive bags of excess skin under my eyes. You can also see the contrast between my facial skin and my neck skin, or the skin by my ear, which is a normal colour.

Oh dear, I look very miserable, don't I? Here you can see the contrast between the two halves of my face. I look like I have been slapped in the cheek and punched in the eye. Very attractive. Not!

As well as looking like a tomato, my skin feels like it is burning and I have also had some very slight oozing after months of no oozing.

I'm going to find myself a rock to hid under until the flare is past.

I HATE TSW!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh noes! I hope this one passes quickly for you... hugs xxx

Tracy S said...

Oh Louise!!!! I am so sad for you right now!!!! I too thought you were over and done with the beast! :( Like Miss Kitty said, hopefully this passes REALLY quickly!! Praying for you there!

Lainey said...

These pic's could have been me a couple of weeks ago. I woke up with really puffy eyes. It only lasted a couple of day with me so hopefully you will be the same. It amazes me the similarities in peoples symptoms who are going through withdrawal.

Elaine said...

Louise, Im so sorry! I thought you were free from TSW... How unpredictable it all is. Is it just the face? Bloody hell! Poor you. But it can't last long... what else can we do, but keep buggering on?
take care. xx

Louise said...

Thanks for all your comments people. Yeah, I thought I was done with TSW. My skin was so good a few days ago and then this happens!

Elaine, you are right, we just have to keep going and always hope that this flare will be the last. I had such a good run of clear skin before this, so I can't moan too much. Just hope it is over quickly.

Elaine said...

Yes you *can* moan, Louise! Its so horrible and unfair... and so protracted. Damn that betnovate.

Unknown said...

Oh Louise :( so sorry to hear this. Fingers crossed for a short one xx

JJ said...

Bummer Louise. Please let us know when this one passes. Even though it sucks, it's way better than it was before. Right now I'm going through the awesome crusty oozing face drama at 16 months tsw. Good luck.