Saturday 25 August 2012

Day 289: Talking about RSS to a Friend (imaginary scenario)

People with RSS sometimes find it hard to talk to others about the condition. Here I imagine how a typical conversation might go....

Friend: Hi. Oh, is your eczema playing up today? It looks sore.

Me: Yes, I'm having a flare, but actually, this isn't eczema. It is something called Red Skin Syndrome.

Friend: It looks like eczema.

Me: Yes, I know. It feels a bit different though. It burns more than usual eczema. The good news is that it is curable though.

Friend: I didn't know eczema was curable.

Me: Well, like I said, this is different to eczema. The rash was actually brought on by using too many steroid creams on my skin. Now I have stopped using them, the skin should go back to normal. It can take a couple of years though.

Friend: But you used the creams for your eczema right? So won't it come back if you stop using them?

Me: I don't know. Possibly, or it could be that I am lucky and have grown out of it. If I do have any remaining eczema, I would have to look at triggers like detergents, diet or allergies and try to eliminate the triggers. A bit of eczema on the back of my legs is a lot more preferable to the whole-body rash of RSS though.

Friend: I know a good cream for eczema. Its called "x". Have you tried that?

Me: Yes, I've used it in the past, but like I say, the only cure for RSS is to stop using steroids. Creams don't really make much difference.

Friend: My brother uses steroids for his eczema. Are you saying they are dangerous?

Me: Well they can be if they are not used properly. Any use over a week can be the start of addiction and needing increasingly stronger creams can also be a problem. Tell you what, why don't you check out the site? There is loads of information on there.

Friend: What site?

Me: I'll write it down for you.

This is just an imaginary scenario, but it highlights a few points that come up a lot in conversation. I think quite a few of us in steroid withdrawal can relate to it!

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