Monday 25 June 2012

Day 218 Face Looks Normal

I woke up this morning to good things and bad.

The good thing was that first thing in the morning, the face on my skin now looks NORMAL. I mean completely normal, no redness or anything. The redness does tend to come later in the day though, so I am not entirely out of the woods yet, but the improvements are great.

The bad thing was that I had ripped my arm up in my sleep. It looked like a tiger had clawed all the way down my inner arm. It is now all sore and bleeding. Ouch.

I think things are generally going the right way. The wet wounds on my legs seem to be slowly healing and my skin is generally good. I think maybe my inner arms are the worst at the moment and I think this is due to the location of the veins and arteries in the arms and the vasodilation due to excess Nitric Oxide in my blood.

Getting there S...L....O....W.....L.....Y.........!

It's nice to see lots of newbies on the Itsan forum. More and more people are finding out the truth about uncontrolled use of steroid creams. I am confident that the tide will turn at some point and the doctors, dermatologists and drug companies will be forced to face the truth: that steroid creams are overused and addictive.

On that subject, I was VERY angry to see a website the other day promoting the use of moderate-potency steroid cream use on young children and babies and saying how safe it was. Looking at the bottom of the webpage, I noticed that the page was sponsored my a large pharmaceutical company that makes steroid creams (surprise surprise!). I was so angry! To me, it is like a tobacco company sponsoring a webpage saying that kids can smoke without any side effects. The page even had pictures of babies on it. If they only looked at some of the pictures on the Itsan site, they would see the true damage that long term use of steroid creams can do to young kids.

This is immoral. But I suppose all they care about is money, not kids.


Tommy said...

It is great to hear that your facial skin is getting almost normal! Keep it up :) I'm disgusted with the website promoting topical steroid for kids. It's terrible but sadly they are still the mainstream. I'm sure one day they will face the truth as a number of patients claiming TS addiction rising at this pace.

kelou said...

so glad your skin is doing better but a website promoting steroid use on children, you have got to be joking!