Thursday 16 February 2012

Day 88 Online Support

Things still continue to improve. I am sleeping better and have lots of energy. I feel "normal", even though my skin is a little flaky in some places.

The skin on my arms, legs and torso is pretty good, just a little dry all over and red in the flexures on my kneees and elbows, but I have full movement and no swelling currently. My neck is dry and powdery but tolerable. My face has blotchy areas, but is not so red that I am embarrassed to go out in public. The skin is not uncomfortable.

I know that the next flare could come at any time, but I also know that after each flare my skin improves better than ever, so the flares are an inevitable part of healing.

The google support group is going from strength to strength, with more new members finding us every day. Many members are now almost completely healed, so are able to help the new members understand what they face with withdrawals. It is great to read the tesimonies of those who have come through the process and are now healed and have normal skin.

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