Wednesday 1 February 2012

Day 73 Calamine

The oozing is relentless and my whole body feels wet to the touch. I am in a lot of pain and feel like I have been stung by a swarm of bees!

I made the mistake of falling asleep on the setee this afternoon. When I woke up, my skin was stuck to the blankets and I had to rip the blanket off like a sticking plaster. My clothes are sticking to my skin, especially around my neck and it feels hard to get clean.

Calamine lotion did not work. It just felt like a blob of clay on the back of my legs as it dried hard and made my legs really itchy and uncomfortable. My skin is so sensitive at the moment, it will not tolerate any kind of cream and even touching the skin makes it ooze fluid.

Days like this are hard, as I still have to do daily activities. Two of my kids are off school with the flu, which is really bad timing!

If I focus on here and now, I will go mad. I keep focused on the future, and lovely smooth skin. I know I will get a break soon because I had a good week last week and I will again. I'm hoping this is going to be a short flare. Be positive.

Lots of new people are finding the Google support group. We are getting bigger every day. I am so glad for these people that they have found the answer and can get free from these damaging creams. I know withdrawal is hell, but there is light at the end of the tunnel and we have to focus on that.

 This is temporary.

1 comment:

Ella said...

Hi Louise, I just posted on the Google Groups. I have 37 yrs potent and 8 yrs super potent daily all over use. I am really sick now. I was told to try medical marijuana, it was not something I was open to for a long time. Almost two years late I said I would and I was a fool not to try it before. I use topical oils and edibles and these have made a world of difference. I don't know if it is something you would consider but perhaps look into it?

Best wishes for an easier recovery,