Thursday 15 December 2011

Day 25 (videos)

A few of the members of the steroid withdrawal group have been making videos charting their progress since they stopped the steroid creams:

In this video, Tracy explains why he started using steroid creams and what has happened to his skin since he stopped using the creams. Note the similarity between the skin pattern on his arms and the photos that I uploaded onto the blog. The pattern of red arm and white palm is typical of steroid withdrawal.
In this video, we see a brief interview with Dr Marvin Rapaport MD, who has treated over 2000 patients with Red Skin Syndrome and has achieved 100% success rate.

This is an amazing video from Japan charting the progress of someone going through steroid withrawals and showing the complete healing at the end. The pictures at the end of the video compare the skin at the start and end of withdrawal. The Japanese are a lot more aware of Topical Steroid Addiction than the UK and USA.
Thanks to these brave people who have been willing to go public about their symptoms and about the dangers of topical steroid creams, many people will be able to see the effects of steroid rebound for themselves. Maybe this will help people to reconsider the opinion that topical steroid creams are safe. If they are safe, then how come patients suffer such extreme symptoms when they try to stop using the creams?

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